AWAKEN to your true selftrue potentialinner power

AWAKEN to your true selftrue potentialinner power

This coaching is guiding you in unique way. You will find that working with your sub-conscious mind creates lasting change and unlocks the greatest version of yourself. With my new evolutionary coaching techniques, you will see and experience how your life unfolds in ways that exceed your expectations.
  • Discover who you truly are, step into your own power and live your purpose

  • Create a brand new life story and experience wholeness, fulfillment and radiant happiness

  • Break free from unproductive patterns of thinking and behaviour

  • Get “unstuck”

  • Create and attract healthy, fulfilling, meaningful relationships

  • Live consciously, free from past hurts

  • Boost your confidence, self-worth, value and trust your own voice

  • Have an unstoppable mindset and reach your highest potential

The sub-conscious mind is responsible for your moment-to-moment life experience. Your automatic reactions, behaviour, thought patterns, emotions, your life experience, the reality you perceive and the way in which you create your life is all conditioned in your sub-conscious. You have to “rewire” your brain and change the beliefs programmed into your sub-conscious from childhood.
To try and change your life by trying to change your conscious thoughts, is like pushing the wall with your hand, expecting it to fall.

The sub-conscious mind is responsible for your moment-to-moment life experience. Your automatic reactions, behaviour, thought patterns, emotions, your life experience, the reality you perceive and the way in which you create your life is all conditioned in your sub-conscious. You have to “rewire” your brain and change the beliefs programmed into your sub-conscious from childhood.
To try and change your life by trying to change your conscious thoughts, is like pushing the wall with your hand, expecting it to fall.

Your limiting thoughts, that silent nagging voice will tell you some of the following:
  • You are not enough, not good enough

  • You have to perform for recognition and acceptance

  • You have to put a mask on and keep up appearances

  • Can’t be successful and live the life you dream of having

  • Your life won’t change, life is hard and you just have to accept it

Ask yourself these questions:

What is keeping you from

  • Living the life you dream of?

  • Feeling the way you want to feel?

  • Having the amazing life experiences you want?

It is such an important time for you to discover who you truly are, to experience the freedom you want. Take the first step. Eliminate everything in your path to moving forward to living the life you were BORN to live.

Sign up for life transformational coaching RIGHT NOW. If you wait, the sub-conscious mind will give you enough excuses why this couldn’t work, or why you can’t change. You might be so used to your self-sabotaging thoughts and responses, that you confuse it for your own true inner voice.

Don’t procrastinate, I assure you, you WILL tell me, I wish I’ve done this sooner in my life.

Just take action now by requesting you free consultation now. No obligation, just take the first step. You might be surprised by life..

Yes I am ready to take the first step.

Get your free
Coaching session
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It is such an important time for you to discover who you truly are, to experience the freedom you want. Take the first step. Eliminate everything in your path to moving forward to living the life you were BORN to live.

Sign up for life transformational coaching RIGHT NOW. If you wait, the sub-conscious mind will give you enough excuses why this couldn’t work, or why you can’t change. You might be so used to your self-sabotaging thoughts and responses, that you confuse it for your own true inner voice.

Don’t procrastinate, I assure you, you WILL tell me, I wish I’ve done this sooner in my life.

Just take action now by requesting you free consultation now. No obligation, just take the first step. You might be surprised by life..

Yes I am ready to take the first step.

Get your free
Coaching session
Fill out your information below and I will send you back 3 options for the next available time
You will also join my newsletter, which can be unsubscribed from easily.

Are these some of the things you want to experience in your life?

  • To feel fully alive, deep fulfillment, and radiant happiness.

  • To live a life of freedom and passion

  • To reach your highest potential

  • To live an inspiring life

  • Happy, fulfilling relationships

Transformation already happens in the first few hours of coaching, so you can look forward to experiencing an accelerated shift in your life.

You don’t need months or years in therapy to experience change. Life Coaching is the new, better, faster way to get the life you dream of having.

Get your free
Coaching session
Fill out your information below and I will send you back 3 options for the next available time
You will also join my newsletter, which can be unsubscribed from easily.


“When I signed up for this coaching program, I thought the only thing I wanted from it was to experience deep happiness, but what I got was much, much more than I ever thought possible. Now I am not only happy, I am motivated, energized, I feel inner freedom, I have a new life’s vision and I am focused and driven. I don’t take things personally anymore. Because of this master coaching program I am a NEW PERSON with a NEW LIFE.
My life has TOTALLY changed.”

Roosmari Kruger

I was in pain and mourning after a very big traumatic event which altered and impacted my whole being. For almost 2 years I have gone through counseling, therapy and even prayer therapy from the best doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists around the country and I still couldn’t get the relief I so longed for.

This is what I can say with absolute certainty, what Karien has done for me is what no doctor could do for me. Her coaching helped me to get to a place of freedom, healing, emotional freedom and inner peace. This was the most wonderful, life changing gift.

Veranda Wentzel